Monday, November 10, 2014

Even when we cannot see

Today has just been plain hard.
Woke up to kids arguing and wayyy too early.

Because that seemed like a good idea knowing I would likely be up another 20-22 hours today.
A repair guy came too look at some issues on mom's camper that he isn't even sure he can fix.
Stopped and grabbed milk.

Started to finally shake a killer headache.

Then Judah was missing.

I had left him with my mom
She told him they were going to the library.
So. He walked there. Alone.

He knew the way...its just about a block from our campground.

But as you may it's complicated. 

Thankfully frank was on the phone with 911 when the call came in from the library.

And he was met in the parking lot by police.

The kids are all here but we officially have some very hard decisions to make....
Like the fact that I need to quit at Amazon and take care of the kids.
And how that affects my mom and future travel since we do not have a tow vehicle for her new camper...
And the fact that she won't be saving money because she will need to pay the monthly site fee once I quit.

I am asking youto pray for us once again.

That God shows us clearly our next step.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Praying through the fog

I have written a dozen blog posts at work in my head in the middle os the night

*Ways amazon is NOT like a football team
*why do we shop here?
* consumerism in America.
* 99 packages on the shelves
* truth or dare
....Any number of soapbox posts
* how to authenticallyreach people with love and not make anyone feel like a project
*church hunting with nail wraps on
* interview and possibilities
*the road calls

And somewhere in the choas of life I have not written any down or posted those. Not a single one.

I did manage to get jamberry catalogs ready to mail today, spend time with the kidlets, and put ona new jamicure,
Stop at the grocery store, visit with my mom and work onmy jamberrynails business.

on a serious note there IS a huge prayer request on the line.

We NEED a tow vehicle to pull mom's camper. And recently we were approached about a van that may (or may not) fit the bill.
But it isn't running and we need to decide.

the thing with amazon is we had hoped the money we made here would carry us throughout the year full timing.
And we wereso graciously donated a camper for my mom...
But we only have 1 tow vehicle and 2 trailers
And the truth is wecertainly didn't consider that we would have to finance a vehicle
and of course there is still the issueof needing a 2nd thousand trails membership...

I guess what I am saying is we need you to partner with us in prayer

We know God can clearly meet and exceed our needs
but we are praying God shows us HOW.


Monday, October 27, 2014


The birthday bashes are in full swing... at the top of the month our 3rd born son officially entered his teen years,  our littlest princess turned 8, my mom had a birthday on the road ( and we were able to take her to a full fledged pow wow.....her iriquois roots were delighted) and today my sweet Aaron-man turned 5. I remeber wondering is I would ever even meet him as I passed out after my c-section that day

I don't think... after looking through the blog posts that I even talked about that day.

For the 1st 8 hours of his little life I never even met him.

I hemmoraged in the c-section table after the c-section.

But oh. the darling sweetness that he is ....I rarely let go of him once he was born...

And he IS growing up way too fast.

5. I can hardly believe it.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Too tired for a spiffy title

Whew. What a week.

Last Sunday our dynamic changed as the other rv'er I carpooled in with on nights suddenly quit at Amazon.  We prayed. A lot.

we went in on Monday ... and asked if we could both switch to the same shift...that meant leaning even more on mom handle evenings.
Frank worked days on monday & by Tuesday he was nights. What a switch!

So now we both work nights. We are here most of the day..sleep...who needs it?
(Apparently I do since I am totally sick!... and I never get sick)

We still dont know if that works yet honestly. It has been a rough week.
Add to that we BOTH had 10 hours mandatory overtime last week...
And yeah... I am whooped.
I question if it's really worth it every single day.
Our jamberry business is definitely suffering due to this mad crazy schedule....
And truth is we cannt afford NOT to build it.
So keep booking parties please and thanks!

Frank is awesome though....
He doesn't even show signs of wear & tear.

64 more days
But who's counting?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

72 days and a wake up

but who is counting?

This has been a crazy 1st week and a half. Trying to work full time..high 5 Frank in the morning as I come home and he leaves for is shift at work ..homeschool the kiddos... meal plan ... make sure kids are bathed, fed, and well cared for... visit with mom... leave for work..High 5 Frank as he is headed home to eat the dinner I planned and get kids to bed and sleep while I work all night  AND have 2 birthdays.. try to get mom's hot water heater issues handled and do a jamberry business AND breathe.....
    oh yeah,  and sleep a few hours a day too.

I have written a dozen blog posts.

In my head
while I am up on the floor stowing at amazon....

too bad it's not written down...

and all those gems I have written in my head seem to vanish

Thursday, September 25, 2014

1st day

Both Frank and I started training this week for the next 3 months during the Amazon Holiday rush season. We were recruited through a program called camperforce. We are settling in to our campground and meeting the local folks as well as the other camperforce employees. It has been nice to find such a diverse and welcoming crowd. Although we have been told the work is long it will be pleasant to work with such a great crew of people.

It has certainly created some changes on the homefront. Our fairly loose schedule is being mapped out daily in a notebook for my mom and the kids while we do training. Meals are being carefully planned and orchestrated. and school work has taken on different forms ..again with my mom considerably more involved. See. I am working for her space. And we get our final schedules on Friday so... anything can happen. It's kind of a crazy idea, actually. but the entire endeavor lasts for less than 100 days. And after being a USMC wife for 20 years that seemed do-able.

There have been a few hiccups this week but for the most part things have run fairly well.

It's kinda crazy to be working after all this time. But I am all in. It can help us fund the rest of the entire year ( we think) but on an even crazier note we have decided to continue to build our jamberry business too during this time. Why? because its worth it.

SO ..I am working on sleep deprivation. I have woken up early so far each day because I am so afraid that I won't wake up in the morning ...since that's when I rest best.. in the morning sun just like a cat.  Next week I should be starting the night shift... so the world we seem to be a much better place.

With the 1st day jitters behind us we are starting our 3rd day of training today. and I gotta grab some coffee and get moving.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


That's what marines used to call a 14+ hour pretty much gas n go non-stop drive during a "72" aka 3 day weekend.

Frank left in the wee hours of the morning headed to Florida to go get my moms camper with the 3 oldest boys.
I am happy to report he made it there safe n sound.

And should be back to move us to the new campsite on Sunday. 

Please keep them in prayer as they begin the journey back tomorrow. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Across the US in photos

Almost there :) here is just a glimpse of our travel days....from the last few weeks

Thursday, September 4, 2014

God placed bumps in the road.

My mom had a camper. For a brief period.
Something to travel with us but have a space of her own..
and last week everything changed.

As we were coming out of Vegas and into Kingman AZ we gassed up... and turned on the 40 East...
and then a HUGE surge of heat came out of the engine..and a spewing of fluids from the radiator
and then NOTHING... but we were smokin' HOT.
It required a tow... and , of course, being late Friday afternoon...
the repair shop was closing for the holiday weekend ( Labor Day) until Tuesday.
We couldn't find an affordable campsite nearby so we headed to the closest Thousand Trails
(over 3 hours away)
and waited out the weekend.
and prayed.

Tuesday we got the call.
The estimate was too high for us to even entertain fixing it. There were no funds to fix it and cross the country to get to the job we have lined up for this fall. The job that will literally support our travels and our ministry for the rest of the year.

We called scrap yards... and finally found one that would accept the camper.
It would cost us the $132 in labor to determine the problem
and $100 in towing and the scrap yard would give us $50 back
it was the cheapest solution.

I suggested to Frank putting it on craigslist for FREE with the stipulation that whoever got it would need to tow it from the repair facility... it was a longshot but everything on the camper was in GOOD shape other than the radiator issue.... and it didn't do irreprable damage ( although we were advised not to drive it through any major mountain areas if we repaired it) if you are just driving in a local community.

He got an email. A man living at a hotel.
As he was talking to him a friend texted me... with an amazing offer.

So the camper has a new owner whom also paid all the fees at the repair facility. Mom signed the title over today and Frank and the boys cleaned it out... and currently it's all sitting in the back of my van. Tomorrow starts the process of weeding and repacking our current camper to fit moms things as we travel across the country.

and that amazing offer.... was from a sweet friend that we had the priveledge of meeting last year. She has a heart thats HUGE. having raised her own family she devotes her life to adopting & raising some pretty special kids! She offered us a 22ft travel trailer for my mom. Not to borrow, but as a gift... the only stipulation being we gift it to someone else if the time ever comes.

The ONLY problem is that it's in Florida.
and we still about 1600 miles to drive to get to the job at Amazon
but God has covered it ALL this far...
who am I to even consider worrying about another 1400 miles in addition round trip to get the camper. God can work out those details too.

What has been amazing is that as we were giving the one away... another was being given to us.
A miracle many of you were praying for.
Different than we could have even imagined.
But that's how God does things.
His way.
Sometimes the least way we expect. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

A terrible no good very bad day.

We made it about 120 miles and then mom's camper overheated and wouldn't start. Despite our best efforts it had to be towed. And it's labor day, um. Yeah. The shop can't really assess it til late Tuesday.  So we will head to a campground that is part of our Thousand Trails system for the week while we wait. Meanwhile, we have moved my mom into our camper. It's a tight squeeze. Emotions are high and ... we don't have a repair budget. It has been suggested the motorhome may very well be a total loss. There is no plan B.
Please pray God makes a clear cut path

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Fly East

I have heard this scripture countless times since we hit the road.
Well intending friends reminding us to keep the faith. God will provide.
Our needs will be met. We will have enough food.
a place to stay ...all we have to do is have faith and learn from this scripture.
and the truth is God HAS provided.
Certainly not always as we hope or want
but He is always faithful.


Sometimes the way GOD provides is a job opportunity

Last April, Frank was hired to be a part of the Amazon camperforce in Fernley NV.
The pay was decent and we could save money for the rest of the year and BONUS
stay on the west side of the country.

and last week we got a call. His initial start date was September... around the 1st.
they changed the offer.
Not til mid to late November.

See the thing is ministry takes money.
you guys ALL know that.
and while the donate button is on our blog.. and we have written to many many churches...
we are not supported by many churches.
SO ... thats why I plunged into jamberry and that IS helping
(when you shop our site or host a party that is HUGE)

but Amazon could potentially give us the funding for an entire year in just about 90 days.

and it's NOT about the money.

But without money it's awfully hard to travel and/or do a lot of ministry.

SO .... moving along. 

An offer to be transferred to Amazon in another state was on the table and the possibility to also have a job for me. Twice the pay if both of us work.... different shifts... and my mom would be there to help...... if I haven't told you yet my mom has joined our nomadic life in her own little RV ( which I drive now) so we need a second campsite close to ours wherever we go now.... and Amazon ...if I work too ..she can park right next to us. for FREE.

this may be a season of ministry to my mom as well as others.

We really are not sure.

What we know is there was no thought of heading east this year.
and tomorrow we pull out
eastward bound.
off to the volunteer state.

we will work our booties off to support the ministry we love dearly.

it's NOT about the money.
but the truth is without it, it's so much harder to bless others.
and Lord willing.
We hope that changes soon
whether by church support, donations, Amazon or Jamberry.

But God has opened a door.
we just need to drive 2000 miles to arrive.

It's on faith.
 We are pretty certain after crunching numbers there isn't enough in the bank for gas, lodging, and food to get there.

But those birds. They sure trust God.
the truth is.
so do we.

Friday, August 22, 2014


I have tried to write for weeks.


Mostly because everyone feels entitled to share their opinion on whatever I talk about.

So I just quit talking.

Problem is... I quit writing too.

Today was yet another hiccup.

In April Frank was hired for the Amazon fullfillment center near Reno.

Today we got a call that he wouldnt start til at least November.

But there are openings at other Amazon warehouses... all we gotta do is drive to one and he can start.

So we are praying and waiting and really hoping God lets us know BEFORE we are scheduled to leave here next week.

I just need jamberry parties now for travel money lol.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

One from the road

The stories from the last year. Some fill my journal.  Some simply fill my heart. Some have taught us more love and compassion while others have simply made it pretty clear that this is our journey. Just the word hospital grips my heart these days. Not in some kind of fear ...maybe it's more of a why have you led us this far if....and then I focus on what God has called us to do. Back in the spring when my mom was admitted the 1st time ( we are at 4 now...admits and releases to and from the hospital) Frank called from Florida and the conversation went like this...

Frank "I think I was offered a job in Alabama today"

Me "what!?" Pause. "Where? "

Frank " somewhere in Alabama. This gentleman offered me a 1/2 million dollar house"

Me "seriously?"

Frank "yes. Seriously"

Me "what's the catch?"

Frank " he wants me to be the youth pastor at his church, but I don't think that's a catch"

We prayed about it for several days and God told both of us the same thing....

Yes. We could have had an eternal impact on the lives of the people in that church. But honestly, we can impact many more traveling.  This has not been the easier path in so many ways, but it is the right one... maybe not for you...but for us.

When you homeschool people feel the need to tell you their (sometimes limited by the media) view of homeschooling. 
When you have 7 children they tend to feel the need to ask if we own a tv ( and many other crude ways to say you have too many children)
We have been told straight out that we are ruining our children's lives ( feel free to ask them if they like our lifestyle)
When you tell people you sold your home .... ( yeah... more interesting comments)
When people learn that my husband was not only a skilled Marine but has a degree people feel the need to tell him what kind of job he should get ( honestly,  I think they are jealous because they didn't retire at 38 like he did)

Or when you tell people your mom bought an RV and will be traveling with you.... guess what? More (maybe even,  well intended) advice.

We are doing what God is calling us to do. And maybe it seems crazy (to you) that we have 7 kids... that we enjoy roadschooling....that we would turn down higher paying jobs so we can have the freedom to be missionaries. ..yes. in America's campgrounds.... even if it seems strange ( to you) that we are enjoying this nomadic life...and that we choose this life....and that we have considered ( in vivid detail) the blessings, hurdles and challenges that adding my mom to the mix could bring (and that, fyi, we invited my father-in-law along last August after Frank's mom died...he turned us down)

Please know we trust that God will guide our steps and prepare our hearts for what lies ahead.

We simply pray that we stay out of God's way and continually put His will above our own. But you know the craziest thing? We love our life...look forward to meeting new people and reconnecting with treasured friends. As long as our family is on the adventure of a lifetime ... we will try and enjoy the steps ( ok miles) of the journey. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

1 year Nomadiversary

It's hard to believe we have been on the road a year already. Time has blown by it seems. There were moments..hard moments..when it felt like it was standing still...but in reality... it has gone by too quickly. There was SO much more we thought we would do.. more to see... more people to reach a
and yet there are some VERY BIG changes underway for Narrow Road Schoolers

Here are just a few of the highlights from the last year

Sequoia. This part of the trip was hard because we were such newbies but we loved seeing God's incredible majesty  and loved all the amazing swimming holes. we got to see the world's largest tree

Yosemite . wow. just wow. I definitely want to go back here again and again. Yosemite really taught us how to "camp"  It stretched us and drew us closer as a family... and it was incredible being able to hike and play in such an incredible place. Hiking to the top of sentinnel truly feel like you are ON top of the world.

Salt Lake City... The locals don't swim in the great salt lake... or ..well.. float... but we did. Also our time at the capitol building and down at Temple Square was fantastic. Learning diversity and what others believe is very important for our faith.

Rochester NY ... while the reason we headed to Rochester is bittersweet with the death of Frank's mom .we had not been able to visit in 8 years. It was a blessing to be able to stay 6 weeks and catch up with his dad and sisters, my Aunt and many friends. While we don't really know when another trip anywhere is in our future (God directs our steps) we really did enjoy some much needed family time

Niagara Falls ... we snuck away for a chance to visit Niagara Falls on the American side. It's another one of those places that takes your breath away.... and even though it was chilly & drizzly it was a good day.

Letchworth State Park ... as we headed south from Rochester we stopped to catch up with a facebook friend... and do some hiking in this beautiful place.

 Hershey PA.... what's not to love about a place where the air you breathe smells like chocolate? The oldest 2 boys got to design their custom candy bar and we toured the Hershey factory.

Lancaster PA ..the heart of Amish country and a place to see old friends. We got to visit with a special family that probably sparked this journey long before we even knew it. They were traveling RV missionaries as they travelled the US almost 6 years earlier. They have 7 kids .. one of which is so special to us that our 6th child bears his name. Ironically enough he is their 6th child too. We got to spend time with him and his family and even take them to Harvest America in Philadelphia.

Cape May... and NJ were super special stops. some of my kids saw the Atlantic Ocean for the very 1st time. Judah screamed with delight as we walked toward the water. I also got to see a high school friend that I love! Our girls hit it off and we got to visit the Cape May zoo with them. She has been an instrumental part in our jamberry business as she is the one that introduced us to jamberrys. I am thrilled to be a part of her team and blessed to call her my friend... on top of that her family is pretty amazing too!

Washington DC as we travelled south we stopped at our nations Capitol for a week. Fortunate to be retired military we had an affordable military campground on Andrews Joint base. our 4 days in the Capitol were a whirlwind and we look forward to going back sometime and seeing more that we simply did not have time to see

Williamsburg  wasn't even planned. We went to Chesapeake VA for several weeks and handed out over 60 gospel bracelets to trick or treaters on a campground. a week later Hezekiah was bit by a dog and that changed many of what we thought were our plans... Williamsburg was considerably closer to Norfolk where the children's hospital was. There we met our very first of many full time families. We loved getting to know them and cherish the new friendships we have formed. Williamsburg was fun... we were able to tour downtown Williamsburg and historic Jamestowne. One of the many things I love about living on the road full time is how history comes alive on the road.

Florida. We spent over 4 months in Florida ... and met a BUNCH of AMAZING people. Honestly too many to list individually...but SO many of which have impacted us and become dear friends. We also got to see the best and worst in RV'ers as we met quite a few that didn't love children in their campgrounds... yet so many LOVED our family and took them in. We met people in every walk of life. From snowbirds to people that stayed in local parks once their full time days had come to an end. We ate tacos for Christmas and didn't bake.. and strangely that was ok. This Florida family adopted my husband and children when I had to go back to California for 2 months to care for my mom who became very ill very fast. I am thankful for the time with my mom this year. Near the end of our visit we decided she would be joining us on the road when we were able to head back to California to get her. Many of you rallied and helped us get back here and for that we are forever grateful. We look forward to a time when we will see many of our Florida friends again. We did not get to see so much we hoped to see in Florida to include friends we couldn't make it to see... this time.

Tuscon & Sedona.... the world's best roadschool convention. A whirlwind week filled with ideas, good friends and job opportunities. We also were able to visit Tombstone, Saguaro National Forest and I got to see an old friend..who now has a family of her own. Sedona was incredible... and we loved the many bonfires and time with some of our FTF friends .. we were also able to go to slide rock and ride an amazing natural water slide with some of the most exhilarating water yet!

Joshua Tree National Park... on a full moon. with my daughter and my mom. our family back together. a few nights that I will forever cherish even though so much has already changed since that weekend in June.

Honestly ... I don't really know what this year holds yet. Only God does. Our daughter is on the fence about coming now. and while that equation hangs in the balance. My mom However will be joining our journey. A few months ago we bought her a small older motorhome (a 1979 Itasca) and she will be joining us in late July.... right now we are preparing her home ...which thankfully is a rental.. and getting her ready to go..and we even have a green light from doctors. I am excited for her. I know she has NEVER camped a day in her life.. well until July when we took her to JTNP. But I do believe it is a great way for her to come and LIVE. And since she is still young I think coming on the road will keep her active and maybe even healthier.... not to mention she can enjoy her family because she will hopefully be located in whatever park where we she can love on and spoil her grand kids with cookies AND send them back home to me.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

In the News

Our little endeavor

Rather than  keep asking for donations we sunk a bit of money into a business. 
Can you do us a favor and give us a like on facebook
And if you are in the market for some high quality nail wraps without the salon price tag and want to support us by shopping our site...
Here it is
We are praying that THIS endeavor supports our ministry
I honestly can't say enough about the product.
They are amazing when applied properly. 
And in a world of allergens they are latex and gluten FREE, vegan friendly, and made in the USA.
Oh...and did I mention they are completely non-toxic.
I NEVER did my nails but that is  changing.
Please give thema try through our website

Sunday, June 22, 2014

To the hills

We did it. We made reservation at a campground in Idyllwild CA tonight. We will still be close enough to my mom but moving out of the desert heat a bit. Back to "normal".... well normal for us anyway. In the meantime we are enjoying ranch life and putting our camper back together. 9 days. I can hardly contain my excitement. I deeply miss life on the road. Although it has been nice to visit friends. But gypsy life seems to run much deeper in my veins than I could have ever imagined. I am keeping busy with Jamberry parties while we are here. It has been a useful time to build up our business.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Rockin the sauce

So not only can Frank build he took care of a sickie wife. What I thought was just a head cold turned into almost an ear infection. So today I worked on the jamberry business that is going to help us in our on the road endeavors AND he made dinner. Pork sandwiches that needed bbq sauce and of course we had none. SO. He made it from scratch. Awesome yummy bbq sauce. And my headcold is on the mend so it will be business as usual tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The narrowroadschoolers camper revamp & more

So. We are still in Joshua Tree CA. Still staying at our friends ranch. Definitely not what I had planned. ..there I go again, planning stuff... not really.  We are waiting on Dr appointments for my mom and sitting in the desert heat. And we are adding yet another to the mix...our eldest girlie ...that is, once we get the walking orders from the Dr for my mom. So. Since we are adding to our already tight space we thought we could do a makeover inside for what we usally spend on gas... and we are pretty close. 

I bought those beastly orange chairs (they double as beds) last year. We bought 3 ended up taking only one and dropping it off at a thrift shop in Utah last year. The other 2 I tried to sell but after spending $160 each forthem I couldn't bring myself to take  the"best offer" of $50 for all 3. So 2 went into our tiny storage facility.  God knew we would need them this year though. And 3 would have been too many. 

So we revamped the bunks we made for the oldest 2 boys last November then built in 2 more on the other side... a bit shorter though. And then we worked the big orange chairs into a couch/ bed. The girls share the top bunk ....which is a queen... then there was the space where the boys bunk were placed last year... an open canvas. So we built a narrow bench for canned goods and my sewing items and used the cute orange table that I left at my moms last year and voila. A living room was born. A separate space even.

 Definitely not an easy task in a 300 sq ft home with 9 people. And yet Frank saw potential to make our kitchen that much better so shelves and storage were added. I stained the living room wood blue...because what else goes well with orange?

 As we ran out of supplies and budgeted funds...we recycled some of the old even. And it works. We now have a boys bedroom that sleeps 4. And a girls bedroom that sleeps 2. And Judahbug, yeah..he still sleeps in our bed. Revamping a camper to comfortably fit 9 is a daunting task but I think Frank built one of his masterly crafted "pianos" once again. And the girlie....well she seems to be fitting quite nicely into this least her very own picture suggest she is:) welcome to the crazy and amazing adventure of a lifetime Arianna ... but without you coming we may have made do with what we had in the camper and I am SO grateful because it feels almost like a house ...ok...moreclike a micro apartment... but for this girl who has been dreaming of a bigger rig without a budget this is a huge blessing!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Are you crazy?

We hear that alot. People seem to feel entitled to tell us exactly how they feel about our choice of lifestyle.  Honestly, often they love it and are very supportive or they hate it and are not afraid to tell us exactly how we are ruining our life, crazy, messing up our childrens childhood, etc.  The list is often quite extensive. 
I suppose we should be used to people feeling entitled to their opinion of our large family, or the fact that we homeschool but it does get old. I mean try telling someone with 2 kids that they ought to have a bigger family sometime....and just see how that goes.
Why can't we simply be happy for life choices even if they fall outside the realm of what we deem as normal. Things that create more happiness.  For us. Being in the same town with the same rhythm ...whether that would be playing sports or local clubs....just wasn't the right fit for us. For other is.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

things you might not know

The month of May really stunk. My mom spent 3 weeks in the hospital but is still very much here & recovering quite well. and if that wasn't hard enough a very special relationship in our life took a complete nosedive. So prayers of reconciliation would be deeply appreciated.

We started a major overhaul on the camper on a shoestring budget. What else should we do in the desert in May. And June. In the heat of the summer in the desert. We are thankful for dear friends that have let us stay at their ranch

Our eldest girlie is home. At least for now.

I have wicked writers block (which is why this is a list)

I am having a really hard time not wishing we were traveling.  Trying to stay thanful especially on days I don'tfeel thankful at all. We miss the adventure & the new people we constantly meet.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


What a whirlwind the past few weeks have been. Mom in ICU... then on a floor... then sent home & the very next day back in the ER with congestive heart failure, complete with a ventilator and a dismal prognonsis... but she is a fighter.  Back to ICU again... and yesterday a new room on a new floor of the hospital. We are waiting on test results. We moved our camper from Palm Desert to a friends house in Joshua Tree.
My mom asked me to tKe the day off and not vo tothe hospital.
I have gone every day since the 2nd.
It felt weird. But ok.
We went to church then swung by my moms to get a few more things in working order. Justyn installed her cable box in her bedroom so she will have it in her bedroom once again once she finally gets back home.
I am finding I am just so tired. Life is a little bit in a holding pattern again til she gets home.
We brought her dogs here with us yesterday. Normally they are little  couch potatoes but currently they are rediscovering their inner ranch dog. we simply do not have the ability to let them watch animal planet.
Frank & the kids went with friends on Saturday serving in the local community at a park serving the homelessan afternoon meal. Justyn evenbrought his guitar. I am not sure what this week holds.
Oh & starting a jamberry nails business in the middle of all this makes for an interesting dynamic. Frank has offered to wear a set of Jamberry nails once weget 250 likes on the narrowroadschoolersjamz facebook page. Nothing like a little support from my retired USMC hubby toofferto wear nail wraps :) so help us out & see just a few of the cool combos that jamberry offers

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Right now I don't have the right words.

Last week my mom got a helicopter ride from the hi-desert to the low desert.
She has been in ICU cardiac for 5 days.
Tomorrow she will have surgery to clear the possible blood clot & plaque in her veins.
We arrived in CA very early Friday morning. ..
Thankful to be only 7 hours away.

Tomorrow surgery is scheduled for 12:30 pst. Please keep her in prayer.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Crazy Ideas

So we set out with no support.  & it has been hard.

But recently. the middle of traveling a few more hundred miles

I joined a nifty little nail wrap company called Jamberry nails. It is SO cool. These are super simple & very trendy nail wraps and the perfect alternative to nail polish. And we got to thinking ...what if we could support our own ministry with supplemental income from a fantastic business.
So we are going to attempt it... and we are praying God blesses this endeavor. MaryRachael is very excited about modeling this very adorable & unique nail wraps. This in not limited to in home parties. You can have an online party & still get all the great perks of being a hostess!

So if you have ever wanted to support our ministry but couldn't donate here it is!

 We arrived back in CA and in the midst of mom going back in the hospital we truly hope to launch this very real business endeavor. 
We even have a facebook page! Hopefully I can create an octive link to it here.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Will we follow?

Recently I was asked to share some of our "missionary stories" so that someone who might support us could get an idea of what we do. We simply cannot do that the way it could be expected.  Many people we meet do not know Christ,  have been hurt by the church, are unbelievers,  could feel like someone's "project" if we broke down the walls of our ministry & compromised what they have shared with us here on the blog.

There are days I often question if what we do is really ministry. Mostly because I love it so much. But who we have grown into these past 10 months has been an amazing journey. And while I won't discuss the trust we have built with strangers we are honored to now call friends... some of whom know Christ & many who do not. The reason this may look like more of a travel blog , so far, is because while we are sharing a gospel bracelet we often choose not to take a photo of that moment because in truth wouldn't that be what the pharisees would do?

2 churches have come alongside us to help support our ministry so far. And to those churches that do we will send letters of our journeys to keep them up to date with our ministry experiences. But that does not mean the stories of the things we do, the people we reach will be on this blog. That would make the people we reach feel like a project.  And that is totally not how we ever want it to be.

We hope you understand. If we met you and became friends with you. It is really your story to tell if we have been Christ's light in your life. Technically, it is God's story. We are simply trying to be obedient. 

And if our journey appears to be  "just a travel blog"  that is not our intention. This is our journey.  This blog our stories & what we learn.

A friend (their family also doing similar missionary work unsupported)  that we met this winter told me that she would never ask to be supported because you might have to put on a show for someone. You either know us well enough to help us or you think we are just being greedy. Sometimes it's sharing a meal with another family or popping popcorn that we can't afford on our income when we show a movie outside. Other times its simply sharing a gospel bracelet with someone. Other times its taking the moment to listen and be a friend to a stranger. Other times its handing a dollar to someone in need.

It should be as simple as loving people.

Ministry needs money to survive. And we do believe that God will supply what we need when we need it. And those churches that have partnered with us we will be accountable to and have committed to a simple lifestyle. 

Simply put.

We have never gone to Disney. Ever.

And unless we pay for it ourself would never dream of it on ministries dime.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Selfish Desire or Freedom in Grace?

This past week we have stayed about 20 miles south of Sedona AZ. It is quite possibly the perfect marriage of desert & cold flowing rivers. I have learned I am still very much in love with the great southwest.
We have been able to visit several National monuments nearby this week & Slide Rock state park.
 On Sunday we found a fantastic church to visit, & connect with in Cottonwood AZ. 

I am not ready for our time here to end. 
Despite the fact that cell phone service & internet is less than stellar
THIS place is beautiful. 

So we are faced with decisions.
push back toward SoCal 
toward the hi-desert. 
To get closer to my mom. 

Or. Keep traveling where we choose....
These days it is difficuIt to know the BEST way to go. 

I am conflicted. 
We know God can use our journey 
no matter where we are located. 
But knowing when & where isn't always easy. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Tucson, lunch & opportunity.

Our time in Tucson is at a close. I am up way too late baking a variety of homemade bread rolls from ham & cheese to bratwurst & cheese way too late preparing for our next stop. Tired tonight... I made a crucial mistake as I prepared these rolls (I have only used 2/3 of my dough). The 1st batch took forever! It seems the warm setting on the toaster oven doesn't really bake...who knew...right?
Tucson has been wonderful! Visits with friends new and old, a big full time family roadschool rally, lots of swimming too!
Obviously after a busy day sightseeing around Tucson from the Saguaro national park, the mission& then the air force base you would think I would have it all together. Not to mention pack up, a healthy dinner of banana chocolate swirl milkshakes and catching up on laundry & a way too overtired & grumpy little Judahbug.
Frank has trained all week learning how to install lifetime RV roofs. He will be working on the side to help support us on the road until we can be funded. There just is no other way to do this. He has been hired at Amazon Camperforce for the fall season. We will be living/ camping in an Amazon campground in Nevada from September until Christmas this fall. Hopefully that will help us balance the equation for our adventures.
Sometimes when you pray for provision God gives you a job...we are trying to look at this as an opportunity & praying it doesn't take away from our ministry potential or family time.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

It is Thursday

And no matter what I do I just can't seem to get it together today.

Monday, April 14, 2014

some things I learned ( about us) at the roadschool convention

We are comfortable with who we are. We may not use the most expensive, popular or any one curriculum but that's ok. There is a diversity of income as well as educational philosophies out here on the road. But at the end of the day you have more in common than different.

We are risk takers.... or maybe faith followers... or perhaps just plumb crazy.

We love our lifestyle. It's very freeing to be nomadic. Getting to meet new people & see treasured friends ( both within the fulltime rv community & outside of it) along the way. There is always something new to see or amazing to explore.

There are quite a few ways to make money on the road.

Take pictures. LOTS of them. The souvenirs don't last but capturing the memorable moments is priceless.

Everyone has their own style. What works for you may ... or may not... work for another rv family. But sharing stories & learning from each others triumps & even mistakes can be encouraging.

Don't presume to know it all. As soon as you think you do it will be clear that you do not.

Don't compare your kids to other kids. Each child is a blessing & remembering that even those differences make the journey that much more amazing.

Life is too short to be grumpy. Forgive quickly and love others ( noy just those that are like you) richly.

Don't wish for what you don't have. Be thankful. Enjoy.

Give generously. Share a meal, a smile, a hug, a word of encouragement. Life is also too short to be lonely. To find friends you need to be friendly.

Don't be afraid to start a conversation with someone new... it may be yet another amazing person or family

Thursday, April 10, 2014

We Made It!

On Wednesday we pulled into the Tucson Lazydays/KOA for THE very first ever roadschool convention & rally. Its a busy 3 days of distributers, dealers and direct sales coupled with roadschool tips and tricks. Sure to be a fantastic 3 days!  If you are around Tucson it's not to late to come takea look...even if you're just in the dreaming stage of things. I love Fulltime Families. We have been able to connect with so many other neatrv families because ofall they do.
If you are on instagram or facebook and just wwant to see all the photos type in the hashtag #roadschoolrocks

Friday, April 4, 2014

Lunch Rolls & travel plans

It seems my (very talented & thrifty husband) created a new food for the days we roll down the road mostly bacause lunch on the fly presents a mound of challenges when toddler to teenage bellies get hungry ... so rather than spend WAY too much in fast food joints that make us all feel icky he began making mini bread rolls...tomorrow's varieties include ham&cheesy and pepperoni&mozzarella.... mmmmm & my camper (and the entire neighborhood) smell amazing.
Add to that the Texas pork chops I baked ahead of any potential dinner schedule and I think we will be quite prepared to continue our westward journey to arizona tomorrow.  So... we will continue west... on a bit more faith than funds... but I know God knows exactly what we need... so we are planning to trust Him. Let me say this...this campsite has been a delightful respite to our busy Florida schedule the past several months and we could stay another 12 days....but we really feel God urging us to get to Arizona for this roadschool gathering...which ultimately gets us within reach of California to visit my mom sooner than later.
So... I am off to lie down so we can get up & get moving tomorrow (notice I didn't say an early start )

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Travelers to Tucson Part 1

Well. We did it. We LEFT Florida and began our journey westward on April 1. 
We got a late start the 1st of the 2 driving days.
The 1st night we pulled in late at a truck stopto stop for the night and of course Judah had just had a nap.
we gassed up and nestled in among the big rigs & red clay.
God knew by day 2 that if we had driven in the sunshine 
I would have cried passing though all the incredible places that were on my list of places to visit...
like this one from Houson 
in the distance the clouds looking ominous hovering over the city
I am once again remineded that this journey isn't about me. 
We love this gypsy life though and rather than consider all the places we
 couldn't stop at this trip we were thankful for safe travels.
by the time we got to Texas however,  we knew we needed a few day break in travel
so here we are for a few days in Columbus, TX just a little west of Houston.
while there are still many miles to the big roadschool convention in Tucson we needed a couple days of no travel before we continue westward. And with over 600 miles remaining just in Texas alone we willrun, jump, play, fish, and hike for a few days before we jump back in the van and continue our westward journey.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Suds & stuff

Well. Its laundry day. Thankful today for a nice comfy laundromat with wifi.
The clothes will be clean & fresh & ready to fold soon.... but in the meantime I thought perhaps I could manage a quick hello. We are down to less than a week in sunny Florida. Winter here has been good...and challenging... but we have met quite a few full time families & made some great connections with some. People we will treasure in our hearts and look forward to reconnecting with them somewhere down the road.


So the big question is WHERE in the world are we headed next? 
The answer is NOT North Carolina or Georgia although that may disappoint us I have become used to God changing MY plans. 
We are headed to the world's best roadschool convention in Tucson AZ. 

I am not sure WHY but God has a plan. So we are throwing all our eggs in one basket and rolling west.
on April 1st.
no. It's not an April fool's joke. 

The good news is we have absolutely no plans to come off the road anytime soon. 
We love our nomadic life. 
Which we have dubbed *the adventure of a lifetime*

So we pray we can come back & visit. 

But for now in less than 36 hours we will load up and yell.... "wagons ho!" 

See ya down the road

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Passion

I have been trying for over a week to figure out WHAT to write. We desperately needed some family downtime & readjustment and I am happy to report that things are almost back to normal. ..whatever that is in our world. We spent a week just outside of Orlando & have moved campsites once already to Wildwood Florida. 
We are taking the next week or so to fill up spiritually at Grace Tabernacle   & enjoy some fellowship there with people we met back in November as we arrived in Florida... little did we know then we would spend 4 + months in Florida. This church has  kind of stolen a piece of our hearts...and while we love our nomadic missionary journey, we also know a special place when we find it.
They put on two massive productions a year The Gift at Christmas and The Passion at Easter.They have everything from theatrics, live musicians and dance and even aerial ballet. It is truly amazing. Tickets are reserved but FREE all you need to do is go to the church website to reserve them.  The Passion dates are April 17-20 at 7pm & April 19 matinee at 3:30 pm. Wildwood Fl is about a 45 minute drive from Orlando and well worth it. Honestly I had hoped to be here for the Passion but it looks as if our time in Florida is nearing its end.
But that's a different post entirely.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


I left California a mixed mess of emotions.  Not thrilled leaving mom behind but desperately missing my little family.  Thanks to some amazing friends I arrived "home" to our 300 sq ft rolling house. If things are silent a few days please forgive us we readjust and rediscover our family roles.

Saturday, March 1, 2014


On March 11 I will fly back to Florida to be with Frank & the kidlets.
And while this IS the right thing to do..
My heart is torn leaving my mom here alone.

My eyes have definately been opened to the humdrum and mundane and lonely life in a trailer park.

People are lonely and hurting because of it.

SO. Once Frank & I are reunited we will be working n preparing the RV for travel.


Like across the US at a snails pace travel.

Meanwhile I have been working on the 1st phase of many preparing to ask churches for support.

The missionary suport letter is written,
The tri-fold brochure is being revised
And the new business cards should arrive on Monday
125 Envelopes have been addressed to chuches in California, Florida, NY, Virginia, Indiana, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Mississippi, Louisiana, New Mexico, North Carolina, & Texas. Each time I work on them I pray for the church to see our vision and join our journey... but that's another post for another day.

I have had time to work on this list and have had time to prayerfully consider each church I have written to....many of which are along our southern route from Florida to California. 

Some of you may be wondering if we will see you ( as we hoped) this spring... the truth is... I don't know.
It seems there is another curve in the road that is definately different the I had planned...
There I go thinking I get to plan this journey again.

We  will be travelling back toward California but certainly nit atrecord speed and also hoping to stopand visit some of the churches we will be asking to partner with us.

God is good. Despite the change in MY plan.

Sometimes I need a good swift kick in the pants as a reminder that I am not in control.

So. How am I getting back?

Last week I finally swallowed our pride & asked for help through Facebook.  Thanks to your generous donations I was gifted a plane ticket and (if we budget well) enough money for the new camper tires we  desperately needed before we can travel.

once again the support from friends and even strangers has blown us away.
We are trusting the churches we are writing to will catch our vision and join us on the adventure of a lifetime.

Monday, February 24, 2014


well. Here we are. 1/2 a world apart. And we are waiting on God for the answers. 8 months on the road have gone by & we have less answers than ever. We have been brought to the end of our means. And honestly, God shows up every time. But right now we are waiting.
waiting on God.
waiting on finances.
waiting on time.
waiting on circumstances.
when I came to California in January for my moms hospitalization we knew there would be challenges. And we knew I might get stuck here.
I am working on a support letter to send to churches. When we left last year we left solely on Franks retirement & the little bit we had in the bank. We have made it this far & we are sure this is what we are supposed to do. Many of our friends have been praying & have donated to our travel budget. Its gone. We live month to month thankful for Frank's USMC retirement. We live by faith... Not by sight. But it's time to find churches & individuals that would be willing to come alongside us and take this journey with us.
we honestly can't do it without prayer & financial support.
so please pray for us. Being this far apart is very difficult on all of us. While my mom is doing much better we need to be closer to California. And we are praying whether or not to fly me back to my family. Truth is that plane ticket fare could help buy us some much needed camper tires. Or gas to at least get a few hundred miles closer.
But right now, if every single part of our budget doesn't experience a slight hiccup... We might be able to budget it so Frank arrives back in California sometimes in June. . That's over 4 months away. This mamas heart may break before then.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

It's all in God's hands.

Have you ever been in a place where you were like "OK God I get it now."

For several weeks Jennifer has been back west helping her mother on the road to recovery and it has been great to hear all the improvements she has been achieving all this time.  Yet with this great news also comes the being a solo parent as the mommy is away.
There are days where if the kids are dressed I have accomplished my goal and yes pj's count.  I now understand where my wife had issues in the past that I never could fathom.  Yet there are other days that I attempt to make all the meals from scratch too include bread for pb&j.  Ok so the jam my wife made and the peanut butter is store bought... give a guy a break. 
As we are being tortured here in Florida with all this sunshine as the rest of the country is under snow and freezing temperatures we have been going through sympathy pains when we get out of the pool.  Yet as I look to the humorous side of things to help keep my head on straight there still is the deep fact that we are separated from the greatest woman in our life my bride and mother to all my children.  We are unsure when but pray that it will be soon that we will be reunited once again so that we may continue on our journey sharing the Gospel. 
God is completely in control of this and will guide us back together.  Please pray for us to stay in God's will so that we can use this for His glory as we pray to find the correct path in reuniting us all.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 9 and 10 combined...Life just happens

Trying to sum up the past two days after having my own version of a temper tantrum.  Well I am not perfect only God is.

Pack-up day without Jennifer led to some interesting situations. First someone has to watch the baby because he wants to be under papa's feet.  Cute and adorable he is but it was not quite safe for him so that slowed things down.  My kids know that I pack a certain way, the Marines trained me to do this.  So this means I use them as runners till they start to understand how and where things need to go.  The whole process with a little mumbling and murmuring took till the early afternoon when I told everyone we could go to the park, but Judah had other plans so Aaron had to stay behind too and prove to papa he could be patient and wait.

Later we went out to fuel up and get a morning snack that took longer than usual.  We got back in the dark but were still able to stage the van for easy hookup in the morning. 

Moving day started without a hitch and we were rolling by 9:30.  It would have been earlier but Judah again had other plans.  We made great time and even stopped at a local welding shop to get are stairs repaired.  It was well worth every penny. 

At our arrival the campground was a flurry of new arrivals and those who had been here a couple of days putting there names into the sewer lottery.  Yes it does sound funny, but it gets pretty serious among the senior citizens.  We were blessed with a site today with full hookups. Out of over 40 people and 16 sites we got one.   While I was off handling this poor Justyn was dealing with feeding the kiddos lunch and drinks. 

Pulling into our site was another story all together.  It is a corner site with aree in a bad spot for our awning.  This immediately caused Justyn and I to get upset with each other.  To make matters worse we blocked traffic and then all the RV experts arrive to share their opinion on how to park the trailer.
In the end we did it without help and even learned how to put the awning out part way and reinforce it.
Tonight was rather special for Justyn he went to the Jam session and played in front of everyone there.  He said he was so nervous.  They even clapped and everything.
All in all it was a pretty good day.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 8 of ? Loneliness is starting to set in.

Today was a pretty good day over all.  The 14 year old is starting to get frustrated at how long menial tasks take and I just laugh a maniacal laugh.  He totally doesn't get it yet but he is starting to learn.  He is becoming wiser in his debate for creation and it is shedding light on the secular influence in his life.  I pray this continues as he matures into a man of God.
We made it to the park today actually walking there because I am stubborn and want exercise.  The weather had the last laugh though it started to rain about 15 minutes after we got there.
We did plan on making dutch oven pizza but the 14 year old decided to play reason and we had tombstone pizzas and watched the Lone Ranger.  Kind of a silly irony.  Might have been worse if it was spaghetti (lol).
All in all a good day we just miss mommy.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 7 of ? Negative training, Tests, and Happy Trails

We are negatively training our cat.  How do you say?  Every time that rascal escapes we reward him with canned food.  So how is that helping.... yeah not at all.  Ugh.

Today was a test of sorts.  It has been a week now that Jen went to California.  That being said a lot of people have come along side us to help us get through this trial.  I have to give all the glory to GOD.  He continues to lead the way in which we should go.  Please continue to pray for us and our ministry as we carry on.

Tomorrow we part paths only temporary with our new and dear friends the Weavers.  We have only know you guys a short time but look forward till we can meet up again.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 6 of ? Curfew and Temper Tantrums Oh My

Well today was not a complete bust.  We did make it to the store and even had a little extra to help a friend in need. 
The evening consisted of a Muppet Show marathon.  It is amazing how I don't recall any of the guests but boy do I remember the lyrics.
Judah has decided he does not like daddy tonight and is throwing a complete temper tantrum.  Not fun for anyone.  This tone I know it's not from an allergic reaction.  Poor little guy is just missing mommy.
On another note the oldest actually came in early before his curfew.   He really tries but sometimes he loses track of time.  Hazzah for Justyn.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 5 of ? Potluck... Bring it on!!!!

So doing this from my phone is challenging...

My kids today must have thought I lost my mind preparing for the days festivities and like any good kids would do they rose to the occasion to observe their dad try and pull it off.
There was a traveling couple who performs skits to not just entertain but educate as well.  They have been fulltimers on the road for 25 years.  The performance was awesome and even made the teens laugh and smile too.  They are known as the Act!vated Story Theatre.
After the performance all the families were going to get together for a potluck.  Seemed simple enough right.  Take care of six kids... get them to a performance then... to a potluck.  So this needed a plan and for those who understand Marine lingo this means BAMCIS!  (This where you all go what???? Like a minion)  Yeah that's right to accomplish this daunting task was going to take the Marines!  Did this help you say?  Actually no it made it worse and this is where I go wrong with my kids all the time.  First I explained what we were doing and they seemed to understand but they slowly lost it.  With all the meaningless task that just had to be done before we left made the goal almost impossible to reach.
So one task that was beyond there scope was to finish making the bed... here is where it gets funny last night they were tasked with it since we just laundered the sheets and blankets.   Simple enough unless the two tasked with it fall asleep doing it so this carried over to today.  It took them over 12 hours to complete this and keeping them on task was almost impossible but these two little ones are like oil and water.  So you say it took 12 hours to make a bed you say.  No actually the worked played and slept together for twelve hours without one physical altercation.  That was amazing in and of itself.
So as they worked on that I prepared the meal to take to the potluck and the oldest two boys helped entertain the youngest two.  They were unaware of this and you have to be tricky when tasking the oldest boy.  It has to be his idea for him to participate.  So we prepared a pasta bake (of course we're Sicilian) and a salad and put it in the crock pot and out the door we went and actually arrived on time to not only the performance but the potluck as well.
In other news Bandito escaped again today and Micah's heart sank as he wasn't fast enough and it was dark out.  We lost track of him in the thick palm bushes but thankfully he was led by his stomach as I played the canned cat food song by popping the lid he came running home.
One other awesome and noteworthy event that occurred today was the 4 year-old playing on his brother's guitar and trying to sing Doolie.  Its a bluegrass song that he has become fond of ever since we met the Weavers, they are a great influence on these kids and help me convince Jennifer that bluegrass is just awesome.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 4 of ? Kung Fu dinner and theatre.

Today started out great all the fevers went out and we actually went out to the store.

This afternoon we even got to wash the bedding for the kiddos to get rid of the stale sick smell in the camper.

During this time Bandito escaped twice once when we were here.  The second tome I came back to the camper door open and him wandering around the campsite.
Dinner was a treat of Chinese food and Kung Fu Panda.  Yet this is where everything went wrong.  While preparing dinner two of the boys were 40 minutes late.  To top it off Aaron fell on his head off the ladder and in all the commotion of getting ice Justyn broke the handle to the freezer.  Which is replaceable.
What do we take away from these events... God is still in control.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

choose your words

Greetings from California

so I flew in Sunday. Last Friday my mom was rushed to the ER here. Her updates are going to be on my other blog page ... As I work through this ...

today I want to share with you a fantastic God story.

late this afternoon I went to the drug store to pick up a few items for my mom before I headed back up to her house.

there was a homeless man and his mom & dog ... I stopped and gave him a couple dollars. A few weeks back I saw an amazing video about a homeless blind man that really affected me.

here is the link:

so I thought that was it.

I got in the car and began to pull away. And then... Pulled back in. By now for sure someone would have thought I was crazy.
my mom is giving up smoking... And I had every intention of destroying the cigarettes I had found in the house .... But God laid it on my heart to give them the cigarettes (a whole carton). They were thrilled. They said they would sell them and have food for maybe a whole week or 2!

I also stopped and shared the Gospel using the Gospel bracelets and visited with them for a few minutes. They were surprised that I would do that especially when they asked me why I did and told them my mom was in the hospital.

the gentleman actually said he sometimes questions if God hears them and that he saw my kindness as an answer to prayer.

it's actually kind of crazy how God is using Frank & I separately this week. How HE is using me even though its the last think I expect.

Day 3 of ?

Listening to "God gave me you,"  makes me think of my bride over 3000 miles away.  Knowing the little kiddos don't understand why mommy is not here.  Glad the Lord is the author of this story.
Today is starting out great fevers are now starting to subside yay! Now to conquer this day and make it adventures.
It's now afternoon and the two of them are sleeping off the cold which has been the same for each.  This is promising that tomorrow might lead to be a more productive day.  Today has been a great blessing though in that the oldest has started showing initiative which can't be trained (this I know from the Marines).  He is becoming a great young man.
We had another visit tonight this time by some talented musicians.  I really love these kids there great encouragers.  Wholesome influence is always appreciated what a blessing.
On another note it's now 10:20 at night and the 12 year old fell asleep in my bed.  Now what do I do with the youngest.  Oh the challenges.  This keeps getting better.  Too funny not to share. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 2 of ? I thought it would get easier....

You know how we sometimes are like oh yeah I can do this.  We go hiking, fishing have camp fires.... Well it's not looking like that today.  Now 4 of the 6 are sick and I even got sprayed with projectile vomit.  This is definitely an adventure without mommy here.  Well trying not to be a hermit I don't have a choice right now.  Here's to today's adventure.
  So as the day progressed it started looking promising as the oldest two were getting better and more active then... of course the 4 year old gets a high fever.  Can a guy catch a break here... well that's not as important as the friendly visit by Nikki and the girls today unfortunately Gus was sick.  Good incentive to get better though.
With sick kids the healthy ones get the crazies when they don't get the chance to go outside for only short periods.  Poor Judah is losing his little mind running back and forth.
Today was more challenging then yesterday but the kiddos are still alive!!!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 1 of ? Roading as a lone parent.

So this morning started Jennifer's journey to help her mother.  With sadness in her eyes of leaving her little ones behind knowing that the youngest will be weaned by the time she returns.  This is going to be a time of craziness in anticipation of her return.  Stay tuned as this full-time roadie dad tries his best to keep 6 kids alive while she is gone.  No pressure and all in fun.  Praying for Jennifer's mom through her healing.

Dealing with several sick kids and the youngest weaning made for several challenges today but nothing that was over the top.  We ended the evening watching Bolt.  I has a song that sings how your home is the most important because it's the only one you got.  Well this made me realize two things.  First I am grateful to God for allowing us to take this journey as a family and second that this is my home and I am proud to call it that even if my wife sometimes refers to it as the naked camper.  Well that's all for today.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dutch Oven (over a fire) Peach Cobbler

. The original recipe I found said to take 3-6 cans of canned peaches. I used 2/3 of an ENORMOUS can.
you top with 1box of vanilla cake mix (dry)
and praline topping (1cup flour, 2cups brown sugar, 1cup chopped walnuts & 2 cups oats)
cut up 1stick of BUTTER (not margarine) and place pats of butter all over the top of cobbler.
to cook place 8-10 charcoal briquettes under Dutch oven & 20 coals on top. Cook 40 minutes.

I would add pictures .
but I still cannot upload them from my windows phone .

we had extra peaches so we did change this up and tried it in our toaster oven the following night. I put the peaches in the bottom and spooned in the little container of canned cranberries from the box.
 I didn't have another vanilla cake mix. So we used a box of cranberry orange sweet bread mix and halved the praline recipe on top. This 2nd recipe was even more amazing. 45 minutes in the preheated toaster oven at 350 did it.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Delightful Dinner & Dessert

Yesterday we got together with folks we have been camping with for quite literally the past 6 weeks. We have been blessed to travel back & forth between the same Florida campgrounds doing the Florida shuffle. There has quite literally been a friend for every kid.

last night the families made a fantastic dinner... Spaghetti, fluffy green stuff, yummy homemade bread, Dutch oven chicken & a Dutch oven peach cobbler ....

part of this journey is the amazing people you meet .... And these families are great. I met one of the kids at the clubhouse about 6 weeks ago. He was decked out in camo clothes. I asked him if they were fulltime & he said YES! Little did I know that his mom & dad were famous ;) and have been fulltime RVers for almost 4 years. His dad looks like he just stepped off the set of Duck Dynasty and his mom just released a book(the very same digital copy is the giveaway on the blog!)

 The Weaver family arrived a few days later... A family bluegrass band with 8 children ages 25-12. Super talented musicians that within days had Justyn pickin his guitar way better than before.

This is why you come to Florida for the winter. Among all the older retirees there is a group of nomadic families. Gypsy travelers if you will. They come together in and out of many of the same campgrounds and very real friendships emerge. It's a place where life feels kind of normal. Where homeschool groups are in your neighborhood. The kids aren't even weird because everyone is homeschooled. And times with families that were once strangers we now consider friends.