Thursday, December 31, 2015

What a year!

With over 4000 photos I narrowed down our year in review to just 87 photos! We traveled in Florida, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,  Ohio, Kentucky,  Texas,  Arizona,  Nevada, and California and those are just the highlights!

Happy New Year to your family from ours and thanks for following our journey!

Monday, December 14, 2015


I still have not bought a single Christmas gift for anyone in my family this year. We are still scraping things together for the blessing bags we feel God is leading us to hand out during our time here in Las Vegas. Tonight I got a glimpse into why.

I stopped at McD's on the way home from Walmart. The boys asked for sweet tea and I love listening to them talk. As I walked into this McDonald's however it was obvious that this was a different place.

One girl, who couldn't have been more than 16 sat quietly slowly eating a hamburger and sipping a drink. She had pants that were cut off, a Hoodie  and no socks on with her tattered tennis shoes. I asked her if she had a place to stay and needed gloves. She looked away and whispered "yes... I need gloves and my lips are chapped".  I ran out to the car and grabbed a premade blessing bag filled with a hat, gloves, hand warmers, long socks, chapstick  and other goodies and threw in $5 so she could buy something from them so they wouldn't toss her back out into the 52 degree gusty winds with a hint of drizzle in the air.

The boys and I talked a bit and another kid came in. Probably not more than 19.
He sat down and almost immediately the manager came over. I asked him if he had $ for food. He said no. I quickly grabbed the keys and got another blessing bag for him and again threw in $5 for a bite to eat. He stared in disbelief.  And he said... "oh my God. This is awesome. Thanks"

Vegas is a city that can make you hard. People are looking for handouts on almost every corner. But look past the hardness and see a need. Look at the eyes of the person and be genuine.

God will take care of us as we reach out to people. Besides, limited space in an rv ...right?

Monday, November 30, 2015

Best Friends are Hard to Find

I really miss my best friend Mary and our awesome friend Miss Carrie who is a very special activities coordinator at Thousand Trails Peace River. Miss Carrie finds awesome crafts and activities each winter for kids and grown ups. Mary and I are special friends too. We love to play together and laugh and swim. I miss them both very much. They are great friends that come from the love.

Written by our 9 yr old daughter :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Lonely seasons.

Since we have been on the road we have been blessed to meet new friends wherever we are. This year however, since arriving in California it has been a dry season. Emotionally the kids and I are all struggling with the fact that despite the fact that the campgrounds that are in are FULL of people. ... we are having a hard time connecting with anyone.

California seems to have a different crowd of wanderers. People who are full time travel workers. I suppose we have become accustomed to traveling with a friendlier crowd. People who wave and greet each other when you take a walk. And I simply can't figure out how to break the code.

Other things are different too. While Frank is gainfully employed with RV Armor he is away from us more and more. We can't seem to catch up with vehicle repairs and kids growth spurts. Sometimes it feels the reason we hit the road in the 1st place are so very far away from what life seems to be turning into just to make ends meet.

God is providing. Even though sometimes it's hard to see. I am trying to find the best in things. Last week  we made it to a camp potluck. It was a nice evening. Thankful we have enjoyed the blessing of an evening of shared food with new faces.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

A day at the nut farm

Bates nut Farm is a great fall family day. There are lots of things you can do there.
We met another roadschooling family that day because it's always more fun to share your adventures with  friends.

There is a huge pumpkin patch. You can pick a pumpkin from the piles of pumpkins they have gathered or go out into the fields and find your own perfect pumpkin. There is also a scarecrow contest. Someone made a spider. I think that was my favorite one!

There were all sorts of farm animal from geese , pigs, goats, llamas, turtles and more! You could feed and pet them.
There were lots of shady picnic spot to eat our lunch. It was also my grandma's birthday so we took a tray of cookies.

The live music that weekend was fun too. It was country toe tapping music. My little brother danced to it.

There is a country store filled with all kinds of goodies. There was tea, fudge, ornamemts , nuts, candy, hot sauce, jams and so much more. My favorite part of the store was the souvenir area.

We didn't have time to take the hayride but maybe you can.

The author of the post is our 11 yr old son.

A day at the nut farm

Bates nut Farm is a great fall family day. There are lots of things you can do there.
We met another roadschooling family that day because it's always more fun to share your adventures with  friends.

There is a huge pumpkin patch. You can pick a pumpkin from the piles of pumpkins they have gathered or go out into the fields and find your own perfect pumpkin. There is also a scarecrow contest. Someone made a spider. I think that was my favorite one!

There were all sorts of farm animal from geese , pigs, goats, llamas, turtles and more! You could feed and pet them.
There were lots of shady picnic spot to eat our lunch. It was also my grandma's birthday so we took a tray of cookies.

The live music that weekend was fun too. It was country toe tapping music. My little brother danced to it.

There is a country store filled with all kinds of goodies. There was tea, fudge, ornamemts , nuts, candy, hot sauce, jams and so much more. My favorite part of the store was the souvenir area.

We didn't have time to take the hayride but maybe you can.

The author of the post is our 11 yr old son.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

October nights & Perris County Fair

Last month we had an opportunity to see Phil Wickham in concert at the Perris County Fair!  It was awesome.  The fair was overpriced and busy but as we arrived it was military appreciation day so Frank got in for free. Another family handed us another free ticket as well. The lights and sounds of the fair were a fun experience for our kids.

If you have never been to a Phil Wickham concert it is fantastic.  That friday night under the desert sky did not disappoint! 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Busy days

I have a years worth of traveling posts in my head and the ability to create has been challenging this year. Perhaps it's one too many sleepless nights.

The next few days will become a flurry of packing up again and laundry... dropping packages in the mail and camp activities . Heading south for a few weeks. Frank has more jobs already lined up through the rv roofing company he installs for. I am making a to do list in my head ....

We have spent 7 weeks at this campground.  The van had some repairs that stopped us for being more mobile these last few weeks. It looks like SoCal is our stop for this fall with even more roofing jobs coming in. We are praying that we can save enough by spring for a bigger camper.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Little Blessings

6 years ago I couldn't sleep either so it only seems fitting that I should share this story now.

Aaron was on his way. At 40 weeks I was induced by my OB and attempting a vbac after not 1 but 2 c-section births. I was a good candidate for success...they said.

By morning we knew I was not progressing. A decision had to be made. A 3rd cesarean. The risks were higher.  They had me on a pitocin drip for 8 hours prior to surgery. My 6th full term baby was about to be here.

In the OR I knew something went wrong. I met aaron and they whisked Frank and him away so quickly. Then I heard my Doctor say *Oh my ......*

Everything went dark.  I remember thinking I never got to really meet Aaron.
All I wanted was to hold my new baby.

The 1st thing the nurse told me was they had saved my life and then I could still have more children.

I would meet Aaron nearly EIGHT hours later after the hemorrhage. My doctor saved my life. If you have ever wondered why I hold Aaron a little tighter sometimes...well now you know. And on October 27th at 10:27 am that little ginger that stole my heart arrived and I have never been the same.

Cherish every single day.  Every moment.  Your life is but a vapor. Here for such a short time on this earth. I am so thankful that God kept me here to raise this daring adventurous sweet boy.

Happy 6th birthday little man

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Westward Ho. Again.

It's hard to believe that 2 whole months have gone by since I last posted. Crazy! Back then we were in Illinois. And since we have traveled through Michigan, Indiana,  kentucky,  ohio, arkansas (again) and landed for 6 weeks in Texas. In the summer. Crazy right?

Frank has really been blessed with work through the rv roofing company he has been working for. Thankfully it pays the bills and gives us far more freedom to explore and bless more people along the way.

We had anticipated the fall in Texas. But the rv roofing jobs are taking us westward yet again.

I'm mixed. Another 1400 miles westward and then floating around california this fall was not what we were expecting.  And truthfully we don't plan a route. We know God will direct that path. So we just pray about each decision and stay obedient.

I am nervous. We know a lot of people in CA and while I want to drop in and see old friends I also know after many years as a USMC wife that rarely do you ever find life the same as you left it.

But many of you know there is a lure and a few pieces of my heart in California,  and in that aspect,  there is no better place to spend the fall.

Please pray for us this week as we travel.

And if you don't already follow is on facebook,  which I admit , is updated far more often than the blog here is the link:

Sunday, July 5, 2015

2 years on the road

This week we celebrated 2 years on the road. It's quite the journey,  this nomadic life, and it's not for everyone but we love it.

I wish I could tell you it's always like the picture portrays, but this week really was as good as it looked on facebook! 

We found a great little state park this week in New Salem Illinois. Walking where a young Abe Lincoln walked. Stopping by capital buildings and seeing the Lincoln 's massive gravesite & the home the he lived before he became President.  Walking through history. Learning and pondering what it was like here in the 1830's.

At New Salem State park they have recreated the village Lincoln lived in. A modest settlement with some great hands on learning.

It's been quite the fascinating week!
And everything we got to do ( other than the campsite) was FREE!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Gators aren't just for Florida's travels

What a crazy day!

We wrapped up a week in arkansas with my driving into a parked piece of wood that not only bent the wheel frame it seriously messed up my mom's camper steps. In addition we had to put on the spare only to have the spare have issues a few hundred miles into our travels. I heard a wicked *whoosh* about an hour or so  into driving. I pulled over and checked the tires. Everything seemed ok. I got back in the truck and caught back up with Frank. We stopped for gas. I gave him a brief rundown. Everything still seemed ok. Fast forward an hour and bladders full with a rest stop ahead with only about 80 miles left for the night...we checked tires again and discovered that the spare had lost an alligator. 

For those of you that don't full time travel a road alligator is when the the outer tread of the tire comes off. Generally that is followed by a *boom* which would indicate a blow out.

Well. At this point we re-routed found a closer campsite for the night and gingerly rolled another 23 (or so) minutes up the road. Incredible as it may be that tire held air the entire way there.

Tomorrow Frank will go get the tire fixed and hopefully we can can continue our journey northward.... I suppose it will all depend on how long it takes to fix it.

We are blessed beyond measure that there wasn't a blow out or a tow involved and that it seems to be repairable

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Road days

Things can get challenging on travel days. As it is we have our very own caravan that consists of our camper and my moms. Frank drives one vehicle and I drive the other. Throw in gas stops and a half dozen kids and then fill propane tanks and you have a recipe for an hour and 20 minute gas stop. Only 10 minutes after we left the campground.

The 2nd gas/ rest / lunch break stop was just about as long. We drained the battery sitting there with lights on in the rain. Thank goodness we bought fuel for the generator at that 1st stop though or we would not have had a simple way to charge the battery. 

Thankful that we have made it to our destination though! Things on the road have challenges but I am so grateful when I can see how one thing that seemed to go wrong, in the end had a purpose

Monday, June 1, 2015

Kids on the road

I was supposed to be part of a group of bloggers today posting about kids on the road.... tips and tricks to successfully travelling with teens to toddlers and thanks to my horrific wifi situation I never got the links on how to participate. 

So. Yeah.

So I will leave you with this adorable cutie pie that has so much curiosity he melts my heart daily.

Also, pray for us. Jamberry is changing for us again. Maybe God is taking it away ... we really are not sure. Frank has been finding work with a fantastic company called and it sure helps.  When he can score jobs through them he can work 2 days to help supplement our income.

Work camping at this resort campground has its challenges.  My mom helps in the welcome center a few days a week... Monday-Wednesday, Frank works at camp Thursday - Saturday,  and the boys and I run the camp kitchen Friday- Sunday  unless it's a holiday weekend ...then it's Monday too. Add to that jamberry and the roof armor and we barely have enough time for our own family much less ministry to anyone else.

And that is most certainly not the heart of why we are on the road. Not. At. All.

Pray that God provides a solution. And that we are listening to His voice in this. Not one driven out of fear or the unknown.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Kids fishing day are probably wondering what do you DO in your spare time since...well... I may have mentioned that the area we are workcamping is slightly...ahem.... less than a booming metropolitan area.

This cute little state park has loads of hiking and fishing to include a fish hatchery and several different playgrounds. It truly is a fisherman's paradise! Too bad we don't consider ourselves avid fishermen. ..huh?

So this past Saturday was a free kids fishing day here at the state park so.... after we finished up at the cafe we headed across the street poles in tow and hung out to see if we could score some rainbow trout. Unfortunately,  ad novice trout fishermen not one kid caught a single fish but it sure was pretty.

I am certain our ocean lures and bass fishing lures were not in our favor either. But it's so pretty by the river it was just good to kick back and relax for a few hours after work and enjoy our time with the kidlets. 3 out of 4 of the younger kids won brand new fishing poles from the folks who sponsored the kids fishing day.

To follow us on Facebook go to 

Monday, May 11, 2015


We are in the middle of nowhere. ..but it's a resort area and everyone seems to want to be here. It is absolutely beautiful here. The trout fishing is amazing and the scenery is just breathtaking. We are in the Ozarks. .. and at the end of our 3rd week here my heels are itching to move. But we are workcamping. So that's a hiccup to moving around since we are running the cafe here at this little resort campground.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The baby snapper

Today as we were doing laundry we found an Itty bitty hatchling snapping turtle.
We took him back to the creek and are hoping he stands a chance. I suspect that he had been whisked off by a bird and landed in the field he was in.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

650 miles

Go big or go home.

When we do we travel.

This morning I woke up around 4 and started rousing the natives (aka bears known as kidlets) we were rolling out of the rest stop as the sun was on our backs.

We drove into a wicked storm from Pensacola to Mobile Alabama. ( I would offer a few photos however they are no where on my SD card ) The gulf winds were blowing. We were thankful for the rays of sunshine as we drove deeper into Alabama and Mississippi.  By late afternoon we were in Arkansas.... sun was perfect...and temperature was pleasant. Our backroad GPS adventure was quite a drive. We even drove by the riceland  rice plant! 

As we entered Little Rock Frank called on our hand held walkie-talkies... there were more weather storm warnings...these included hail and Uhm yeah, tornado watches.... the clouds were ominous and the wind was a wee bit way too twister ish for my taste.

We made it through just past little rock. About 650 miles today. We had hoped to arrive at our destination but fell about 200 miles short. So another night of *moondocking * which is what our sweet Blondie boy calls it.

Where are we headed? Well....we will be workcamping this summer in Missouri at a small private resort campground. A different role for us.

Certainly not what we *thought* we would be doing this year but we are excited about the opportunity! 

The only challenge now is that it feels COLD after 4 months in sunny Florida. And we may need to give up some shorts for some jeans!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

On the road again. Wow! What a day!

So they finally came. Our freedom tags! We have been waiting on license plates from Texas so we can start a new adventure.

The plates from Texas are a formality.
We are changing out domocile. As a full time rv-er's there are many reasons that we would do that. Some of which are the freedom of laws when it comes to homeschooling, the lack of smog checks,  insurance perks and the ability to say we are from the biggest continental state.

Don't get me wrong. .. we still love California but when you have no real roots it makes the most sense to pick a state that makes full time  rv living easy.

So today was a westward ho kinda day.... it started out well. But as always there were way too many potty breaks and well... yeah... the serpentine belt on the van decided to shred on the I-10. Not so fun. Frank, in true fashion was awesome and sent me to the auto part store ( thank goodness for that 2nd vehicle ) with a parts list and quickly changed it out!

We did make 406 miles today...less than I hoped for. We had a camping spot lined up then life happened so we are sleeping with the big rigs this fine evening ..

Or as Aaron calls it...moondocking.

It's lights out and no charger so g'night from rainy Florida

Where are we headed?

Come back soon and see

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Lingering because of the Lonestar State

So. Florida. Sunshine skies filled with blue sky and white fluffy clouds. how I will miss the pool.

We are waiting.

My moms camper and truck are being tagged ( for all those that don't speak Californian... we are waiting on license plates to arrive from Texas)

Why Texas? Well there are lots of reasons to choose Texas as your domocile state as a full time rv'er.

Yes you CAN choose the state from which you reside.

Some factors for us were insurance costs, vehicle registration fees , and homeschooling laws.

So we chose escapee's as a mail forwarding servive ... and started the process of vehicle registration. 

And now we wait. The tags are on their way and we start to leave Florida very soon.

There is a family friendly work camping position this summer in a place that was not even on our radar.

And once those tags arrive we are headed north west.... but not as far northwest as we thought.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Blue eyed boy

This is my kitten.
He died a week ago today.
It still hurts.

When he was born his momma tried to take him out. She killed his 2 other littermates. The vet said he would be lucky to live 6 months.

Keeping weight on him has always been a struggle and he is almost always thirsty. Last weekend his kidneys shut down.

I took him to the local vet assuming the worst. The vet was a special man. He tried to save him. Bandito, the cat who loved to look our the windows of our camper as we rolled, died after surgery.

we were blessed to have him for almost 3 years. His kidneys stopped development when he was probably 6-7 weeks old. He shouldn't have lived 6 months. But he did.
My heart still hurts but I am so very thankful for a vet that tried ... this cat took a piece of my heart. And will forever be missed.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Hoppy Easter

I dont know what to write some days...
Today was Easter.

And its not about egg hunts or ham and scalloped potatoes
But sometimes I find that we get caught up in the tradition that we forget how short life is.

And being stuck in an rv kitchen preparing food at camp is just well...

I would rather enjoy the day with the kids.

I mean who will even remember the menu.

Besides. It's really all about Jesus ...right?

But what does that really mean anyway?

And just HOW is that applied by eating a meal?

I am finding I ponder hard topics

This year I somehow feel like a failure.
That somehow there is a right and wrong way to celebrate.

There are over 100 fun filled family pictures with friend on my phone.
We ate lamb, and pasta and breaded eggplant. Mom even brought some traditional devilled eggs

We had a great pancake breakfast at camp
Hunted easter eggs with the other campers
Enjoyed the afternoon at the pool
Late afternoon meal with friends and family
And even made a few jamberry sales.

So what am I missing?
Arianna.  Olaf. And photos.

2 outa 3 isn't too bad

Friday, March 20, 2015

Life in snapshots

I see life in pictures. Raw unposed and fun. The pictures are too many for any media, mostly a collection for me. I cant even delete the bad ones, as they are part of the memory. Sometimes they are simply a journal of where we have been, memories we have made.
I sometimes wish I could post all of them. Every. Single. Blurry. Fuzzy. Out of focus because we were laughing photo.

Sometimes though pictures are not taken. At least not on anything tangible.
those moments that are imprinted on our hearts.
A trust gained, a smile, a moment to cherish. 
Lost would be the significance if each time we opened the lens.
Some things are simply meant to be held within our hearts.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Days go by

Life is an adventure. I tend to tell our stories in photos on facebook.
You can find us at

Last week we had a cookout with friends.  In the hustle of daily life it is always important to teach your kids how to safely, and ONLY with daddy's help, build a fire. Sometimes campfire conversations are a great remedy to relax. I see the workd through snapshots in my head. I am always delighted to find other talented kidred spirits that also see life through a lens.

Life is good. We have continued to shuffle from campground to campground. But we have also taken some day trips. Frank's dad is also down visiting. We keep busy watching the neighborhood wildlife... and swimming and playing with friends. We are blessed tohave quite a number of friends here in Florida
Today 3 families hung out at the pool. 4 of my kids, 5 from another family and 8 from yet another ftf and that did not even include the people we didn't know.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Florida shuffle

Too bad its not a cool new dance. Its a complicated ballet of reservations when wintering in Florida with an endless abundance of snowbirds, vacationers and other full time travelers.  In January we realized early on that my mom and our family couldn't get reservations on the exact same moving days. So we opted to leave her at our favorite of the 3 Florida campgrounds we frequent. We knew we would be back into the park approximately every 2 weeks and it seemed like the most viable option. It has not gone without a few minor complications,  however, for the most part it has worked out. She has met quite a few of the full time residents and had plenty of camp sponsored entertainment, church and  even a ladies crafting group where she is learning new crafts and rekindling old crafts. As we plan into the spring months we are taking into consideration where she would like to travel also.It proves to be both good and somewhat challenging all at the same time...but worth it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A video

During our time ot the Full time Familes rally in florida we caught up with Mark from RV Adventures.check it out!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Changing Direction

That's legit. I wrote an entire post about changing direction earlier today and I went to post it and the entire thing except the title disappeared.  Clearly God wants us to change direction in our posts but rather than tell you about it ( like I had thoughtfully thought through) perhaps we are just supposed to do it so goes.

As I was driving back from the laundromat today I realized living in and out of campgrounds is a lot like living on base.

Well, not really. But there is a guardshack at the front with a gateguard. Sometimes.
And community pools.
And a community center...we call it the lodge. Or clubhouse
Everyone is supposed to obey the speed limit but most don't.
Occasionally there is a community event
You may have a grumpy neighbor or 2

But overall its a good community where people connect and care about each other.

And today that is enough.

Saturday, January 24, 2015


We are taking a few days to make the interior of our tiny house a bit more homey... so we repurposed a king size mattress and snagged the foam out of it for a new to us couch... made with fabric I bought and tucked away about 2 years ago. We added some clearance paint to the mix and some Ikea curtain rods and a bit of spray paint ..and voila! Ok so only like half a wall is done and the couch cusion... but it's definately a work in progress. The color pallete is beachy...or maybe a little more southwest .... but its BOLD. With rich teal, deep blues, and oranges and coppers and some deeper red hues. Its certainly fun to redecorate! Time consuming but fun. Looking forward to a full transformation.... but being realistic...we are taking it one wall at a time.

Cut stacked and glued 3 sections of 3 inch foam together and stitched up a heavy duty (toddler friendly) slipcover
The 13 year old dr who fan 
is building his own bedroom ....that he has to share with a 5 yr old brother
Vaccuum andcleanup bef
before We bring in the cushion
The serger kept jammingso here Is Frank to the rescue
Add some bright orange to the mix with a 15 yr old painter...
The 1st wall is complete. 
Who knew it was so complicated to paint a camper

Thursday, January 15, 2015


It's been 2 weeks. I told myself I wouldn't let posts go so long this year.  I have gotten behind reading my Bible. Life happens. It's cerainly a good thing God doesn't judge me based on my performance. 

Sometimes as life on the road happens and ministry or sick kids or swimming in the pool define what I do or do not do...I am glad that the God I love doesn't define my faith by what I do...or forget to do.

But doors have opened. Always different than we expect or anticipate. Around campfires, shared meals and swimming.

But if you're like me you may have set new years goals. What does that look like in your world today?

And often we dont see how we impact anything....

Today January is half over  ...our oldest daughter ( who doesn't travel with us) turns 20 in just 2 days.

I can't believe we have been on the road for over a year and a half...

That our youngest is rapidly approaching another birthday.

Time has almost sped up being on the road.

Making time with friends that much sweeter

Being blessed meeting SO many new people.

I am waiting with wrapt anticipation what God has in store for us in 2015

But we will chose to live in each moment.....take lots of pictures and make tons more memories...

Bring it.

But don't blink.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Come to the drum circle

I think we get life messed up.
Especially as believers.
What's right?
What's wrong?
Why do we get to decide.

Recently I saw a thread on facebook take a dive because a few Christians cast judgement on a group of athests.
Anyone that was a christian soon became a target by a select group of the free thinkers...
Free thinkers unless they are talking about Christians. ..that is.
And it breaks my heart.
So much hate and division.

Tonight we drove down to Siesta Key.
We were told today about this amazing drum circle that meets on the beach.
We could hear the deep djembe beats as we parked.

And we walked to the beach it was clear there was far more than a drum circle.
A street preacher and banners engaged a small crowd.
The crowd taunted him.
Police were standing by....
Finally a girl pepper sprayed the street preacher...

And I wonder... we are such a tangled mess...
Like a mess of yarn.
We mean well but often cannot see beyond our own vision.
Everyone thinks they are right.
But what IS the right way to share Christ's love?
In anger? Judgement?  Preaching to a hostile crowd?

Do we even know HOW to LOVE like Jesus loved anymore?
To live in love without being angry ..hostile ...or even confrontational. ..
Maybe its taking a moment one on one.
Learning a name and genuinely coming to care for someone personally. 

What do you think?