Thursday, November 21, 2013

quiet time

I am in the library today researching additional ways we can make money on the road

and it's so quiet.

no kids or campsite.

my exceptional husband is handling all of it...
even the dinner prep.

Except I am a 5 o'clock flasher when it comes to electronics
at least that's what my husband refers to me as
(because he is a computer guru you see)

so my research list was
  •  how to make money blogging.
  • direct sales we could do AND believe in
  • missionary support (how to get it)
  • budgeting RV life on peanuts
  • Using Social Media for profit
Well. what I have discovered is:
  •  the world is big and we are small
  • everything costs something to start
  • Nothing that interferes with ministry is worth it
  • I really don't have a clue
  • I am not as tech saavy as I thought I was.
  • I am nervous about how this budget can work for us

SO what exactly do discoveries like this mean.

I suppose it means that GOD is in control even when life feels so out of control.

that if He takes care of the birds He will certainly care for us.

this little crazy gypsy band of travelers so crazy sold out for GOD that we are on the road as full time missionaries... not wanting anyone to not hear the Gospel story.


And then I can be my own worst enemy. You know the pessimist. that glass half empty girl.

the one that people look at and say we are crazy.

But I cannot imagine going back to my old life.
I do think we are doing something different and unique.

but God's got this.

and yes. we can't sit idly by and expect that someone will gift us with a bunch of money or a bigger RV so we need to find ways to do those things.

More money means more ministry
a bigger RV


because 8 people in 30 ft camper with no slides...
yeah tuth is that before too many kids grow we will have to make money to upgrade at some point.

So would you PRAY for us to make the right decisions and figure out the best ways to advertise, grow, blog, sell, whatever to supplement our income so we can continue to share with people as we journey.

thanks. Jennifer

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


My best conversation sometimes are during my shower.

This morning was no exception.

I didn’t start out homeschooling to protect my kids.

But eventually that is what I became.

And while I would minister to other kids that were not Christians

Or that lived in a way that I personally didn’t approve of.

I stil loved them, but I controlled each and every meeting or exposure with my children.

Rather than empower my children to deny that lifestyle they began to secretly think it was more cool because they never chose to not participate. I always chose FOR them.

And for the first time today I could see that clearly.

It was a hard look.

A reflection I didn’t really ever want to see.

I have cried more tears since this year as I have realized I am not equipped to raise any children. My heart still bears the scars for the day my daughter moved out. It changed how I saw myself as a mom. Forever.
And I still have 6 more children to raise.
so. I need to get it together & realize Jesus holds them.
That its my job to raise them to fall in love with Jesus but I can't do it for them
my goal is simple.
or is it?
But without letting them be exposed to the elements (so to speak) I have literally put them in a bubble
it's time....stepping out in faith...
I want my kids to choose to go to church. to read their Bible. to have Christian friends.
But I also want them to impact the world.
I want my kids to choose to love Christian music and films and yet be relational. I want them to share the music and movies they care about with unbelievers and for those people to be receptive. But to that they do need to know what's out in the world.
I want them to be honest with me. Be unafraid to communicate with me about what they are exposed to. Know at the end of the day I love them no matter what.
Loving Jesus is a choice .
Choosing to chase after HIM is also a choice.
I want them to chase the SON with all of their hearts for all of their life and affect everyone they meet in a way that is so contagious people can't help but want it too



Friday, November 15, 2013

tattered & torn

Real life.

sometimes camper life is hard.
8 people in 300 square feet of living space.
add to that a missing pair of jeans that wasn't put away & you get the gist of our morning. And of course they were my husbands new jeans ... And yeah. We flipped everything over to find them to include the way too full dirty laundry


we found


searched the van. Twice. Nope.

and the very last place...
the unmade bed
under all the pillows
neatly folded with tags still on we found the jeans.

but by this point people were angry, upset, flustered. Words has flown in anger and tears were hot. The tension hung in the air even in silence.
 Our very good morning crafting snakes with 3 little people wasn't what we will remember.

And the more I think about it... The more I consider how utterly pointless it was. All for a pair of jeans.

And why?

because in that moment that is the only thing that is important. And it WAS ridiculous.

and we chose this simpler life... But even in that simpleness things get way too much importance.

like the things we know we can't afford to replace. Or the few toys we kept get lost. Or the clothes get ripped or list. There isn't a huge monthly budget stashed away to fix things.

and trying to reasonably do life but all the while insist we are trusting God ... But not living it out because of a pair of jeans.

sometimes I wonder if I will ever get it right.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

7 colors

So on the road we make bracelets with 7colored  beads. It is a really quick & easy way to share the Gospel.

The first thing I want to tell you is that the bracelets are GIFTS.
The Gospel is FREE.
We do not want to sell the bracelets.
They are a simple easy way to share your faith.
an easy way to hear the Gospel.

Often we start by asking if the person would mind if we share a "story"

No one has said no so far
when I share it often goes something like this:

The 1st bead is yellow. It is to remind us that we want to go to heaven when we die. The Bible says there is heaven & hell. Where do you want to go?

(no one has ever told me they WANT to go to hell)

the 2nd bead is black. It represents our sin. Do you know what sin is? It's anything we do that is wrong. It can be as simple as not obeying, or taking something that isn't ours. But there are many and sin isn't allowed in heaven.

but that's why the next bead is so important.

it's red. The color of blood. It is to remind us that Jesus came to earth and died an excruciating death crucified to the cross because he paid the price for our sin. That means he took our place on the cross. If you ask Him to be part of your life.

the white bead is for salvation. Just like this bracelet its a free gift. You can choose to take it or leave it. But if you choose to follow Jesus He will come into your life so you can go to heaven when you die. Do you know Jesus as your Lord and savior?

If they say no you need to take the opportunity to ask them if they want to Ask Jesus to be their savior! Lead them in a prayer or even take a few minute to open a Bible & share the Romans Road if time allows!

If they say yes. Continue...

but there are 3 more beads.
you see it doesn't end at salvation.
it's just the beginning.

God changes the desires of your heart.
so you want to grow. That's what the green bead reminds us of. Spiritual growth happens when we read our Bible, pray, get plugged in at a good Bible believing church, and fellowship with other Christians.

the gold bead is to remind us that while we don't serve Jesus for salvation we do it simply because we love him. And someday when we get to heaven we will give Jesus the crown we earned for all the ways we served as Christianson our churches and communities while we were on earth. We serve only because we love him and the Bible says we will give this crown back to Jesus as a gift for all he has done for us.

the last bead is blue.
it is for the Holy Spirit.
it is to remind you that in good times
or bad times you are never alone. Jesus walks through life with us once we trust Him as savior & Lord and even when we feel distant or alone He is always with us.

it's super simple to share your faith using a gospel bracelet. Or simply some colors. I hope this encourages you to tell a few Gospel stories.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Who do I share the Gospel with...?

My friend asked me this question, “How do you determine who to talk to and how to start the conversation when traveling around as a missionary sharing the good news that Christ brings?”  So I present to you this answer with rabbit trails included.

Let me start by saying that I have never been less perfect then at this moment….. What makes me the one to tell you what it takes to become the “On Fire” believer for Christ with all the answers to lead everyone you meet to Christ?  Even Jesus could not convince everyone to follow Him and this was some of the most knowledgeable men of the day.  For example look at the story of the ‘Young Rich Ruler’ in Matthew 19:16-22.  Here the man was boasting to be a follower of the Law of God yet he lacked the understanding of the true treasure heaven which is only attainable through Christ.

Think of it this way.  Have you ever had the privilege of knowing something that could change someone’s life for the better and could not hold it in anymore?  I mean when we experience something such as a great deal such as when buying a car or something as simple as a good tasting food.  Most of us don’t hide it and share the news with at least a few people we know.  Sharing the Gospel with others is what Jesus commanded us to do in the Great Commission.  Read about it in Matthew 28:16-20.

What could be better than knowing we are here for a purpose?  Now not everyone can live the life I live and yet I could not do what others do…  Here is the thing.  Now most of you who are reading this blog have made the life choice to call Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.  This by far is the greatest accomplishment you will ever achieve in your life yet, you only needed to do was to have faith and this was a gift from God.  Now where does the purpose come in to all this?  Jesus did not come to the cross so that we could be forgiven for our sin so that we can not share this!

Now here is where I might make some of us open our eyes.  How many of us rush through our day looking forward to the time we will spend with our loved ones.  A focus so intense (like tunnel vision) that our goal is that we will be safe from the day’s woes.  How many people do we come across that are in a trial or simply struggling to find happiness.  One thing I have learned since I hit the road is that I don’t fit in everywhere I go (amazing I know).  That being said I am a hard headed and slow learner (really slow) and what I have learned is that everyone needs Jesus.  Now how are they going to hear about Jesus if we don’t tell them?  Here is what scares people.  I don’t have enough knowledge of the Bible to share my faith in Christ with someone else.  Were you so easily convinced to believe in Christ?  Are you willing to die for your belief?  Yet talking to someone about this belief is too intimidating? 

What does it take?  The answer is that it takes the determination of Moses, the courage of Daniel, the strength of David, the knowledge of Solomon, and the blind Faith of Peter to know the Living God Jesus Christ.  How does one attain this and is it even possible.  The simple answer is NO!!!!! That is crazy impossible….but the Holy Spirit can accomplish this and even more than you can imagine.

How do we determine how to approach someone with the Gospel message?  Each situation is unique so it is important to know that Jesus never apologized for what He taught, yet He was always a gentleman when it came time to explain salvation.  I say just bring it up its that important.  Jesus wanted to make sure that people understood it.  Look at it this way the disciples were with Christ for 3 years and they still didn't get it till Resurrection Day.  This being said we attempt to be prepared (failing at this a lot) to make sure that we are ready to share the Gospel.  We like to share it in a gift of a bracelet or key-chain that uses 7 colors.  It is a unique way to help them remember the message we share with them.

Now that I have your attention I will leave you with a cliff hanger.  In our next post we will explain the colors, there meanings, so that if you need a tool to help you share the Gospel you could use this one.        

In Christ,

Friday, November 1, 2013


Well I asked folks that liked our Facebook page to ask any questions they had about our adventures … I was only asked 1 question so far so here it is:

“are y’all living off just donations or do y’all have any other kind of support while on the road?"
No. My husband spent 20 years as an active duty Marine so we do have his retirement pay. It is meager to say the least for a family of 8 however. We do not have any OTHER without donations through PayPal to our blog. We are still currently researching how to get supported though churches as missionaries for what we are doing. It would make a huge difference of what we are able to do and who we can reach.
We are not trying to seem greedy so I really try not to bring up funding. But RV parks do cost money and so does food & clothing our kids. We work really hard at budgeting. We are thankful for what income we do have. Many of the things you see us do are very low cost or often free. In NJ we were able to visit a free zoo and the Cape May Lighthouse which was free. DC we only did the free stuff as well but there is way more to do there for free. As we travel we try to keep a monthly school outing budget but that is meager at best.
Ideally we would like to find a few churches that would be willing to partner with our ministry and support us financially. A few of our friends and a few blog readers have made donations so far. That has been a blessing as well. We set up the blog to have a PayPal button. We figured it was a safe & secure server if any of our readers were willing to donate.  Truly anything helps.
What we do on the road: Go from campsites and share Christian films and family friendly games to include Wii games on projector in the hopes of drawing a crowd. It’s really relational ministry. We will also attend local to the area churches and we often invite our camping neighbors to come with us…especially if they are local. We also use the gospel bracelet to share the gospel one on one with people and give them away as gifts. We fully fund this ministry and also make the bracelets ourselves.
I do sell a few of my crafts whenever the opportunity arises. I have been lax in updating my Etsy shop as it seems to get very little traffic. I am currently trying out a direct sales avenue that could fully fund our travels and bless so many when we get it off the ground. It’s a fantastic all natural weight loss supplement that is storming the market but until there are actual results you can see ON ME it’s been a hard sell.
So far to date God has taken care of everything we have needed and right on time. So we are just trusting in faith He will continue to do so… whether that comes from friends in the form of a meal, or a donation or just stretching my husband’s retirement pay.