I have written a dozen blog posts at work in my head in the middle os the night
*Ways amazon is NOT like a football team
*why do we shop here?
* consumerism in America.
* 99 packages on the shelves
* truth or dare
....Any number of soapbox posts
* how to authenticallyreach people with love and not make anyone feel like a project
*church hunting with nail wraps on
* interview and possibilities
*the road calls
And somewhere in the choas of life I have not written any down or posted those. Not a single one.
I did manage to get jamberry catalogs ready to mail today, spend time with the kidlets, and put ona new jamicure,
Stop at the grocery store, visit with my mom and work onmy jamberrynails business.
on a serious note there IS a huge prayer request on the line.
We NEED a tow vehicle to pull mom's camper. And recently we were approached about a van that may (or may not) fit the bill.
But it isn't running and we need to decide.
the thing with amazon is we had hoped the money we made here would carry us throughout the year full timing.
And we wereso graciously donated a camper for my mom...
But we only have 1 tow vehicle and 2 trailers
And the truth is wecertainly didn't consider that we would have to finance a vehicle
and of course there is still the issueof needing a 2nd thousand trails membership...
I guess what I am saying is we need you to partner with us in prayer
We know God can clearly meet and exceed our needs
but we are praying God shows us HOW.