Thursday, April 25, 2013

Top 5 questions we have been asked

Are you crazy?

perhaps. We don't actually think so though.

Why would you go on the road full time as missionaries with kids?

Why wouldn't we? We have been homeschooling since Arianna was in pre-K because some mom (thanks Bonnie) had the guts to tell me I could do it. And road schooling looks easier than even traditional schooling honestly. Maybe it's because we are adventurous. But going on the road full time WITH our entire family actually makes sense to us. Ask me this 30 days after we are on the road and I may have another opinion (just kidding ;)

Is this a way for you to make money from complete strangers just so you can tour the US on vacation?

Are you kidding me?
For the record... we are going on the road unsupported. The only source of income is USMC retirement pay... which is meager at best with a family of 9. We are selling everything we own (except a few things we are mailing to family members) to fund this endeavor. Our extra large flat screen & couches were some of the very 1st things to go. We are giving up our nice little creature comforts and luxuries ( yes luxuries) for this ministry endeavor.
The amazing part is..... it is totally ok.
While we will get to see and experience some amazing things with our kids this ministry side of this.. the vision God is revealingis to expose people that would not otherwise go to church
  • to Christian films
  • to Christian music
  • Using puppets to share the Gospel
  • using crafts to share the Gospel
  • reaching folks that might never step foot into a church & maybe even connect them with one in their area...
and that is just the beginning of the vision. We are certain God will accomplish far more than that.

Are you sure you have everything you need?

We are in need of a projector to show Christian films & are certain God will meet that need.

as far as everything else. We are probably taking too much.

but we will decide what stays & what goes once we get on the road.

We are praying to sell our home here in the desert.

but we know God will supply ALL our needs.

Are you scared?

We know this sounds CRAZY! 
But we also know we are in good company
They thought Abraham was crazy when he believed God for a son in his old age
they thought Noah was crazy when he built an ark just because God told him to
they thought Gideon was crazy going into battle with such a small army
they thought Esther was crazy going in to approach the king
they thought Jacob was crazy when he wrestled with God
they thought David was crazy.... and yet God called him the man after God's own heart
they thought Hezekiah was crazy when he said ( and did) defeat the assyrians
they thought Moses was crazy for going toe to toe with Pharoah
They thought Isaiah was crazy... just because he submitted and said
Here I am Lord. Send me

"Sometimes, stepping out in faith means doing something so bold that people on the outside might call it stupid." Jarrid Wilson


  1. I'm proud of you Schillaci family! God will use you in mighty ways! I look forward to reading about your adventures!

  2. Awesome!! And I cant BELIEVE someone asked you Q#3..Really? Wow!!
