6 years ago I couldn't sleep either so it only seems fitting that I should share this story now.
Aaron was on his way. At 40 weeks I was induced by my OB and attempting a vbac after not 1 but 2 c-section births. I was a good candidate for success...they said.
By morning we knew I was not progressing. A decision had to be made. A 3rd cesarean. The risks were higher. They had me on a pitocin drip for 8 hours prior to surgery. My 6th full term baby was about to be here.
In the OR I knew something went wrong. I met aaron and they whisked Frank and him away so quickly. Then I heard my Doctor say *Oh my ......*
Everything went dark. I remember thinking I never got to really meet Aaron.
All I wanted was to hold my new baby.
The 1st thing the nurse told me was they had saved my life and then I could still have more children.
I would meet Aaron nearly EIGHT hours later after the hemorrhage. My doctor saved my life. If you have ever wondered why I hold Aaron a little tighter sometimes...well now you know. And on October 27th at 10:27 am that little ginger that stole my heart arrived and I have never been the same.
Cherish every single day. Every moment. Your life is but a vapor. Here for such a short time on this earth. I am so thankful that God kept me here to raise this daring adventurous sweet boy.
Happy 6th birthday little man