Sunday, May 17, 2015

Kids fishing day are probably wondering what do you DO in your spare time since...well... I may have mentioned that the area we are workcamping is slightly...ahem.... less than a booming metropolitan area.

This cute little state park has loads of hiking and fishing to include a fish hatchery and several different playgrounds. It truly is a fisherman's paradise! Too bad we don't consider ourselves avid fishermen. ..huh?

So this past Saturday was a free kids fishing day here at the state park so.... after we finished up at the cafe we headed across the street poles in tow and hung out to see if we could score some rainbow trout. Unfortunately,  ad novice trout fishermen not one kid caught a single fish but it sure was pretty.

I am certain our ocean lures and bass fishing lures were not in our favor either. But it's so pretty by the river it was just good to kick back and relax for a few hours after work and enjoy our time with the kidlets. 3 out of 4 of the younger kids won brand new fishing poles from the folks who sponsored the kids fishing day.

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Monday, May 11, 2015


We are in the middle of nowhere. ..but it's a resort area and everyone seems to want to be here. It is absolutely beautiful here. The trout fishing is amazing and the scenery is just breathtaking. We are in the Ozarks. .. and at the end of our 3rd week here my heels are itching to move. But we are workcamping. So that's a hiccup to moving around since we are running the cafe here at this little resort campground.