Friday, December 13, 2013

Random Rambling Reflections

1.     Pinterest is not a good source of anything if you don’t have good internet access

(& that we SHOULD HAVE packed a few inspirational cookbooks for standby cooking when creativity is at an all-time slump)

2.     There is NO good substitute for a good long shower with lots of soap.

(both  BOYS and GIRLS without regular soapy showers STINK!)

3.     Travelling more than 100 miles a day when hooking up with 6 kids is too much sometimes… and THAT’S OK. We just need to have grace. Other times it is necessary to beat the bad weather. It’s ok to let them watch a movie to keep things quiet from time to time.

4.     There is not a good enough substitute for not plugging in at a good church on Sunday whenever possible.  It is ok for that good church to be online if you cannot find a good local church.

5.     Taking simple things for granted is easy. Running out of supplies a long way from town & having to drive to get them at a REASONABLE price when we are in a national park is a challenge. Or NOT being hooked up to power ALL the time presents an entirely different set of challenges. Mostly we have full hook ups but on the occasion that we don’t it reminds us to be thankful.

6.     Friends both old and new surprise us at each step of the journey. Be friendly… you never know what new friendships will bloom. It’s not always who WE planned to see. Focus on the Lord and HE WILL direct our destinations

7.     Honor God in all you do. Remember that HE is in control. Not YOU. Sometimes that’s a tough lesson… BUT it’s worth it. When you chase the SON … there are blessings beyond what we can even begin to imagine

8.     Your mom (or dad) will be upset with you if you don’t have regular cell service and didn’t warn her ahead of time that you will not have service because she (or he) cannot reach you.

9.     Play and learn with your kids. And swim. And bike. And read. And play. And snuggle. And take pictures. Life is short. Live intentionally.

10.Graham crackers with with nutella and fluff *almost* taste like smores when you can’t build a campfire.

11.Quiet hours at some campgrounds are just a “suggestion”. The other campers are there to have a good time because they are on their weekend camping trip. Don’t expect them to understand that it’s your lifestyle

12.There is never enough money. Find a way to make it work.

13.The gas gauge is always wrong & when the check engine light comes on do NOT panic.

14.Life’s a journey… make it an ADVENTURE!!

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